Adding User in Jenkins
Before adding any user first we require an adminstrator account for jenkins to do admin things.
Already in last post we have created an account with jenkins.
àLogin to that account
àThen go to manage jenkins-->configure global security-->select Matrix based Authorization in authorization option
àThen Add the user you want to make admin
àThen give him all the permissions like(overall,credentials,slave,job,run,view) by check
àNow You are the admin for jenkins now you can add users and you can give permissions to them as below
àFirst Create a user
àGo to Manage jenkins-->manage user--create user
àGive a username and password etc detailes. i am creating user with name sachin
àThen sign up a user account
àAs a administrator i have to give the permissions to sachin. i will do it as follow
àGo to Manage jenkins-->Go to Configure global securtiy -->Authorization
à Matrix-based security
à User/group to add:
àGive the permissons to the sachin user.let me tell you one thing here i know that sachin is a developer. Developer requires job running information and he can view the job status so i am giving limited permissions(overall/Read,Job/All,Run/All,View/All) to user sachin because he is not admin to do the things.
Then save it.
Now we have successfully configured sachin user account
You can login as sachin and check it.
Before adding any user first we require an adminstrator account for jenkins to do admin things.
Already in last post we have created an account with jenkins.
àLogin to that account
àThen go to manage jenkins-->configure global security-->select Matrix based Authorization in authorization option
àThen give him all the permissions like(overall,credentials,slave,job,run,view) by check
àNow You are the admin for jenkins now you can add users and you can give permissions to them as below
àFirst Create a user
àGo to Manage jenkins-->manage user--create user
àGive a username and password etc detailes. i am creating user with name sachin
àThen sign up a user account
àAs a administrator i have to give the permissions to sachin. i will do it as follow
àGo to Manage jenkins-->Go to Configure global securtiy -->Authorization
à Matrix-based security
à User/group to add:
àGive the permissons to the sachin user.let me tell you one thing here i know that sachin is a developer. Developer requires job running information and he can view the job status so i am giving limited permissions(overall/Read,Job/All,Run/All,View/All) to user sachin because he is not admin to do the things.
Then save it.
Now we have successfully configured sachin user account
You can login as sachin and check it.
If you face any problem while practicing feel free to comment it and Bookmark this blog for quick reference.We will try to help you
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Devops Desk Team
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